Saturday, January 14, 2012

Web Safe Area

WEB SAFE AREA (n; je;ff, hu;ngry)

This means this part of the web is safe to use and is 1093% virus free.
NO LA JK. This isn't what it means.

A web safe area is the available space in a browser that shows information of websites depending on the users screen resolution.

In other words, different resolutions will affect how a web page is display on your computer monitor.

The following are web safe areas in different browser

Mozilla Firefox: 1600x900

Google Chrome:1280x1024

Internet Explorer: 800x 600

The Super Amazing Buddy Icon of Nicholas Tay!

Haro haro everybody.
It's Jeff here :3 Teehee~

Okay I'm gonna stop that I'm scaring myself.
Just recently finished a pixelated buddy icon of my classmate Nicholas Tay!

Nic was sick so I gave him a mask to avoid spreading his virus to the internet.


Anyways here he is :D

Friday, January 13, 2012

10 Things that Describe Me (Metaphorically Speaking)

1. I am like a potato!

-This means I'm hard on the outside and soft on the inside! Even though I may look very scary or "show-off" at first sight, I'm actually a very nice person :D

2. I am like a piece of corn!


3. I am like a small child.

-Because I'm naive and I believe people easily.

4. I am like a fly.

-I move around in random directions and get easily distracted.

5. I am like a sleeping volcano.

- I don't usually get provoked easily but once you do, you better run to a different island because I will find you. HIDE YOUR KIDS. HIDE YOUR WIFE.

6. I'm like the Energizer bunny.

- I will keep going and going till I run out of power. Then I explode.

7. I am like a rabid dog

- I get excited easily and I will research whatever I like and will find out about it in 2-3 days and can give you really long explanations about what my opinions are on the matter.
This rarely happens.

8. I am like a whirlpool.

- I suck in everything all the way to the bottom and into my stomach.

9. I am like a dying hard drive.

- I slowly forget whatever I heard in the past few days and always need to be updated with the latest files or I will completely just not function in that manner anymore.

10. I am a lopsided weighing scale.

- I try to keep everything balanced but it always ends up on the wrong side.